How to wear your sarong/malong!

aaooee|雅我意 versatility!

Contrary to popular saying that wearing the malong/sarong restricts your movements, here's proof that you can continue to do your favourite everyday activities. Kick a ball, squat down, relax, practice yoga... no problem!

wear aaooee|雅我意 tops with your favourite jeans or skirt

step-by-step sarong/malong (we teach you how to tie your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong!)

We show you 2 basic ways of wearing your newly purchased aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong as a full-length skirt:

Click on this video link to view how to wear your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong in "box pleat design"

Click on this video link to view how to wear your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong in "flair design"

it is easy-peasy to tie your sarong/malong... here are 7 more ways of wearing your aaooee|雅我意sarong/malong!

For more ways to tie this incredibly versatile aaooee|雅我意 apparel, check out these video links:

Your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong as a "Halter Neck Dress"

Your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong as a "Off Shoulder Dress"

Your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong as a "Tube Dress"

Your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong as a "short skirt"

Tying your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong with the help of a belt

Tying your aaooee|雅我意 sarong/malong with the help of a sarong clip